No Negligence in Motor Vehicle Accident
Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of modern life. But when injuries occur and the law is involved, Rissman ensures our clients get the quality of defense they deserve.
Rissman attorneys Jeremy Palma and Aaron Eagan recently obtained a defense verdict for a client involved in a motor vehicle accident. Our client was traveling in the middle lane when the plaintiff turned right from a side street and into a crash. The plaintiff sustained orofacial injuries and was transported via ambulance.
Prior to trial, the plaintiff argued that our client should have seen the plaintiff’s vehicle as it entered the travel lanes. But originally, at the time of the accident, the plaintiff denied any negligence. Our defense found this fact significant—and we made good use of it.
The jury deliberated for 2 hours and 30 minutes before returning a defense verdict finding that there was no negligence on the part of our client that was a cause of any loss or injury to the plaintiff.
Our defense found a significant fact—and we made good use of it.