The Evolution of an Injury
Clifton Acord and David Rissman
Navigating the intricacy of an appropriate standard of care is the cornerstone of fair and valuable medical results. And that’s precisely the balance Rissman’s legal team upholds when supporting clients in medical negligence cases.
In a recent case involved allegations of inappropriate care and treatment of a work-related wrist laceration, Rissman attorneys Cliff Acord and David Rissman secured a defense verdict.
The plaintiff sustained a laceration to his left wrist while working in his role as an A/C installer and sheet metal mechanic. When he visited a family medicine specialist, the defendant performed and documented a physical examination of the injury, and sutured the wound. At the time of care, the plaintiff had no complaints other than local discomfort around the wound; and, upon a followup visit, the plaintiff still had no complaints.
Later, the plaintiff followed up with the defendant due to some localized pain in the forearm area. The defendant ordered an MRI, which showed a tear of the ECU tendon with retraction. The defendant then referred the plaintiff to a hand specialist, who recommended physical therapy rather than surgery, as the window within which to perform surgery had closed.
Ultimately, the defense’s expert witness testified that the injury in question is a difficult diagnosis to make in an acute setting, and that the standard of care had been met under the circumstances. The expert also testified that the defendant’s referrals were reasonable applications of the standard of care.